There are 490 pages with 4897 entries

 Family  Genus  Specific epithet  Ploidy level  Chromosome number  Bs range  Complete citation reference
Verbenaceae Caryopteris grata 6,00 60 1-6 Gill, B. S., Singhal, V. K., Bedi, Y. S., & Bir, S. S. (1981). Accessory chromosomes in woody taxa. In P. K. Khosla (Ed.), Advances in Forest Genetics (Ambika Publications). Dehli.
Vespertilionidae Nyctalus leisleri 2,00 44 1-3 Volleth, M. (1992). Comparative analysis of the banded karyotypes of the European Nyctalus species (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera). Prague studies in mammalogy, 221-226.
Vespertilionidae Myotis macrodactylus 2,00 44 1 Obara, Y., Tomiyasu, T., & Saitoh, K. (1976). Chromosome studies in the Japanese vespertilionid bats: I. Karyotypic variations in Myotis macrodactylus Temminck. The Japanese Journal of Genetics, 51(3), 201–206.
Vespidae Polybia fastidiosuscula 2,00 34 0-1 Marchioro, P., Campos, L. A., & Lopes, D. M. (2020). First Record of a B Chromosome in Polybia fastidiosuscula Saussure (Vespidae) and Investigation of Chromatin Composition Through Microsatellite Mapping. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 160(11-12), 711-
Violaceae Viola striata 2,00 20 2 Clausen, J. (1929). Chromosome number and relationship of some North American species of Viola. Annals of Botany, 43(172), 741–764.
Violaceae Viola canina 4,00 40 Bs Clausen, J. (2010). Viola canina L., a cytologically irregular species. Hereditas, 15(1), 67–88
Violaceae Viola riviniana 4,00 40 1-2 Valentine, D. H. (1949). Vegetative and cytological variation in Viola riviniana Rchb. In British Flowering Plants and Modern Systematic Methods (pp. 48–53). London: Botanical Society of the British Isles
Violaceae Viola riviniana 2,00 40 5-7 Valentine, D. H. (1956). Variation and polymorphism in Viola. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 145(920), 315–319
Violaceae Viola montana 4,00 40 10 Schmidt, A. (1961). Zytotaxonomische untersuchungen an europaischen Viola-arten der sektion Nominum. Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift, 108(1), 20–88
Violaceae Viola rupestris 2,00 20 4-8 Schmidt, A. (1961). Zytotaxonomische untersuchungen an europaischen Viola-arten der sektion Nominum. Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift, 108(1), 20–88

B-chrom database 2017