There are 490 pages with 4897 entries

 Family  Genus  Specific epithet  Ploidy level  Chromosome number  Bs range  Complete citation reference
Acrididae Acrotylus humbertianus 2,00 24 Manna, G. K. (1954). A study of chromosomes during meiosis in fifteen species if Indian grasshoppers. In Proceedings of the Zoological Society of Bengal (Vol. 7, pp. 39–58).
Acrididae Phaulacridium marginale 2,00 24 1-3 Westerman, M. (1975a). Population cytology of the genus Phaulacridium. Heredity, 34(1), 11–27
Acrididae Phaulacridium marginale 2,00 24 1-2 Westerman, M. (1975b). Population cytology of the genus Phaulacridium IV. Phaulacridium marginale (Walker) - the North Island populations. Heredity, 35(2), 165–172
Acrididae Eyprepocnemis plorans 2,00 24 1 López-León, M. D., Cabrero, J., & Camacho, J. P. M. (1995). Changes in DNA methylation during development in the B chromosome NOR of the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans. Heredity, 74(3), 296–302.
Acrididae Phaulacridium marginale 2,00 24 1-2 Martin, J. M. (1970). The use of grasshopper chromosomes to demonstrate meiosis. Tuatara, 18, 1–12
Acrididae Phaulatettix eurycercus 2,00 NA Bs White, M. J. D. (1973). Animal cytology and evolution (3d ed). Cambridge, [Eng.]: University Press.
Acrididae Sinipta dalmani 2,00 24 1 Remis, M. I. (2008). Chromosome polymorphisms in natural populations of the South American grasshopper Sinipta dalmani. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 31(1), 42-48.
Acrididae Phlaeoba infumata 2,00 24 1-2 Liu, T. T., Hsiang, W., & Wang, T. C. (1962). [The supernumerary chromosome in a population of Phlaeoba infumata (Acrididae)]. Shi Yan Sheng Wu Xue Bao, 7, 398–406
Acrididae Eyprepocnemis plorans 2,00 24 1-2 Manrique-Poyato, M. I., Muñoz-Pajares, A. J., Loreto, V., López-León, M. D., Cabrero, J., & Camacho, J. P. M. (2006). Causes of B chromosome variant substitution in the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans. Chromosome Research, 14(6)
Acrididae Phlaeoba galeata 2,00 24 Bs Ho, K. M., & Lee, C. Y. (1971). Taxonomy and cytology of Taiwan grasshoppers (Acridoidea), 10, 1–5

B-chrom database 2017