There are 36 pages with 356 entries

 Family  Genus  Specific epithet  Ploidy level  Chromosome number  Bs range  Complete citation reference
Characidae Astyanax bockmanni NA 1 de A. Silva, D. M. Z., Daniel, S. N., Camacho, J. P. M., Utsunomia, R., Ruiz-Ruano, F. J., Penitente, M., … Foresti, F. (2016). Origin of B chromosomes in the genus Astyanax (Characiformes, Characidae) and the limits of chromosome painting. Mole
Characidae Astyanax fasciatus 46 1 de A. Silva, D. M. Z., Daniel, S. N., Camacho, J. P. M., Utsunomia, R., Ruiz-Ruano, F. J., Penitente, M., … Foresti, F. (2016). Origin of B chromosomes in the genus Astyanax (Characiformes, Characidae) and the limits of chromosome painting. Mole
Characidae Astyanax paranae NA 1 de A. Silva, D. M. Z., Daniel, S. N., Camacho, J. P. M., Utsunomia, R., Ruiz-Ruano, F. J., Penitente, M., … Foresti, F. (2016). Origin of B chromosomes in the genus Astyanax (Characiformes, Characidae) and the limits of chromosome painting. Mole
Characidae Astyanax paranae 2,00 50 1 Duílio, M. D. A., Utsunomia, R., Ruiz-Ruano, F. J., Daniel, S. N., Porto-Foresti, F., Hashimoto, D. T., ... & Foresti, F. (2017). High-throughput analysis unveils a highly shared satellite DNA library among three species of fish genus Astyanax. Scientific
Characidae Astyanax goyacensis 50 1-9 Dos Santos, L., Castro, J., Francisco, C., Vicari, M., de Almeida, M., Goll, L., Morelli, S., Artoni, R. (2013). Cytogenetic analysis in the neotropical fish Astyanax goyacensis Eigenmann, 1908 (Characidae, Incertae sedis): Karyotype descrip
Characidae Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae 2,00 50 1-6 Utsunomia, R., Silva, D. M. Z. de A., Ruiz-Ruano, F. J., Araya-Jaime, C., Pansonato-Alves, J. C., Scacchetti, P. C., … Foresti, F. (2016). Uncovering the ancestry of b chromosomes in Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae (Teleostei, Characidae). PLOS ONE
Characidae Astyanax fasciatus 2,00 46 Bs Duílio, M. D. A., Utsunomia, R., Ruiz-Ruano, F. J., Daniel, S. N., Porto-Foresti, F., Hashimoto, D. T., ... & Foresti, F. (2017). High-throughput analysis unveils a highly shared satellite DNA library among three species of fish genus Astyanax. Scientific
Characidae Astyanax bockmanni 2,00 50 Bs Duílio, M. D. A., Utsunomia, R., Ruiz-Ruano, F. J., Daniel, S. N., Porto-Foresti, F., Hashimoto, D. T., ... & Foresti, F. (2017). High-throughput analysis unveils a highly shared satellite DNA library among three species of fish genus Astyanax. Scientific
Characidae Astyanax schubarti 50 Bs Fenocchio, A. S., Pastori, M. C., Roncati, H. A., Moreira Filho, O., & Bertollo, L. A. C. (2003). A Cytogenetic Survey of the Fish Fauna from Argentina. Caryologia, 56(2), 197–204.
Characidae Astyanax scabripinnis 50 Bs De Marco Ferro, A. (2003). B chromosome polymorphism in the fish, Astyanax scabripinnis. Genetica, 119(2), 147–153

B-chrom database 2017