There are 34 pages with 335 entries

 Family  Genus  Specific epithet  Ploidy level  Chromosome number  Bs range  Complete citation reference
Canidae Vulpes vulpes 2,00 34 1-6 Sasaki, M., Shimba, H., Itoh, M., Makino, S., Hattori, K., & Shiota, G. (1968). A preliminary note on the chromosome polymorphism in the fox. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 44, 847–851.
Canidae Vulpes vulpes 2,00 34 1-5 Buckton, K., & Cunningham, C. (1971). Variations of the chromosome number in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes). Chromosoma, 33(3), 268–272
Canidae Vulpes vulpes 2,00 34 2 Vogt, D. W., & Arakaki, D. T. (1971). Karyotype of the American red fox (Vulpes vulpes). Journal of Heredity, 62, 318–319
Canidae Vulpes vulpes 2,00 34 1-5 Lin, C. C., Johnston, D. H., & Ramsden, R. O. (1972). Polymorphism and quinacrine fluorescence karyotypes of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology, 14(3), 573–580
Canidae Vulpes vulpes 2,00 34 1-4 Low, R. J., & Benirschke, K. (1972). Microchromosomes in the American Red Fox, Vulpes fulva. Cytologia, 37(1), 1–11
Canidae Vulpes vulpes 2,00 34 1-4 Renzoni, A., & Omodeo, P. (1972). Polymorphic Chromosome System in the Fox. Caryologia, 25(2), 173–187
Canidae Vulpes vulpes 2,00 34 2-6 Ward, E. J., Lin, C. C., & Johnston, D. H. (1973). Meiotic study on supernumerary microchromosomes of red fox (Vulpes vulpes). Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology, 15(4), 825–830
Canidae Vulpes vulpes 2,00 34 Bs Volobujev, V. T., & Radjabli, S. I. (1974). Investigation of the nature and the role of additional chromosomes in silver fox I. Comparative analysis of additional chromosomes in different tissues and types of preparations and at different seasons.
Canidae Nyctereutes procyonoides 2,00 38 2 Yosida, T. H., Wada, M. Y., & Ward, O. G. (1983). Karyotype of a Japanese raccoon dog with 40 chromosomes including two supernumeraries. Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Ser. B: Physical and Biological Sciences, 59(8), 267–270
Canidae Vulpes vulpes 2,00 34 Bs Volobujev, V. T., Radjabli, S. I., & Belyaeva, E. S. (1976). Investigation of the nature and the role of additional chromosomes in silver fox III. Replication pattern in additional chromosomes. Genetika, 12, 30–34

B-chrom database 2017