There are 224 pages with 2233 entries

 Family  Genus  Specific epithet  Ploidy level  Chromosome number  Bs range  Complete citation reference
Zingiberaceae Zingiber officinale 2,00 22 2 Darlington, C. D., & Wylie, A. P. (1955). Chromosome Atlas of Flowering Plants. London: Allen and Unwin
Zingiberaceae Zingiber macrostachyum 2,00 22 2 Ramachandran, K. (1969). Chromosome Numbers in Zingiberaceae. Cytologia, 34(2), 213–221.
Zingiberaceae Kaempferia decora 2,00 14 1-4 Bhattacharyya, R. (1968). Systematic status of the family Zingiberaceae. Nucleus, Calcutta, Suppl. vol., 39–41

B-chrom database 2017